Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Busy, Busy Bee

I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, I've just been reorganizing my craft room.
It's been 10 days so far and I'm almost done. (I've been "almost done" for about 3 days, but with two kids home for the summer, it's hard to get more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time to work.)
Speaking of work, I have also started a part time job. It's just a couple of hours a week on Fridays, but it's brought in a little dab of money I've been able to use for art supplies and organization.
I have 2 mixed media canvases nearly finished and ready to be shipped out for possible magazine publication. In addition to that, I am in the process of collecting items for a piece for my living room, I'm scrapbooking our summer adventures for the girls, and I have ideas for 2 collections I want to do. I am determined to put together enough pieces for a gallery show so I can shop it around to some places in Wilmington.
So much to do, but none of it until the workspace is finished!